Chatterboxes Week 5 Thursday
Age 2–3
Sing the Gruffalo song together and point to each place on your body where you will find things? Where are your knobbly knees? Where is the wart at the end of your nose? Listening to the repeated language in songs and rhymes will help your child to remember lots of new words and phrases.
Age 3–4
Help your child to learn colours. The Gruffalo has orange eyes, a black tongue and purple prickles all over his back. Go on a scavenger hunt, indoors or out. Choose a colour and see how many things of the same colour you can find. If your child is unsure of any new colours, watch out for and point to the colour each time you see it.
- Colours –
Play a sorting game with different colours. Can you sort different coloured items into different groups? You could sort coloured pegs, buttons or pasta shapes.
Age 4–5
Make your own character from “The Gruffalo” story using household junk, e.g. bottle tops, different size boxes and cartons, etc. Let your child work out what they’re going to use and how they can make it. Encourage their problem-solving skills.
Give your child problem solving words and phrases like “because”, “I think it’s…”, “you could…”, “it might be…”. Support your child to use scissors independently and develop their motor skills. Use lots of vocabulary to describe what you’re making – will it be smooth or bumpy, friendly or scary, tall or short?
- Making toys from recycling –