Get some help
Essential Parent
Videos from medical, parenting and educational experts to answer all your questions. Help and advice for expectant and new parents on bonding with their children and helping them grow into resilient, healthy and independent teenagers and adults:
Action together
Information about social groups, practical support and leisure activities:
Start for Life
Provides trusted NHS advice and guidance to help you have a healthy and happy baby during pregnancy, birth and parenthood:
SEND Local Offer
The Oldham Local Offer provides information on what is available in Oldham for children and young people and their families with special educational needs and/or a disabilites (SEND):
- Oldham’s Local Offer – Oldham Council website
Early help team
The early help team work with children and families with multiple and complex unmet needs. They provide support where support from other services has not enabled change to be made, and the family need more targeted help.
Targeted support is typically for 3-6 months.
Requests for support from Targeted Early Help are made through the MASH referral form:
If you would like to discuss the most appropriate support for a child or family or have a concern about a child, please contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub on 0161 770 7777 (Option 1, then Option 3).