Health visiting
The Right Start Service is offered to all families with children living in Oldham, from pregnancy to five years old.
Our team includes Health Visitors who are qualified nurses with additional training, assistant practitioners, early years education support and Special Educational Needs and Disability Practitioners.
As part of the Healthy Child Programme, you and your child will be offered contacts at home, in Children’s Centres and at other community locations.
Our Health Visitors can connect you with people and resources that can help you. This includes linking you in with bundles of information from the Essential Parent website.
To contact a health visitor, please contact your local children centre or Family Hub. Your query will be directed to the appropriate practitioner from any Children Centre you contact.
For information about your child’s health and development please visit our Birth to Five page
Routine Health Visiting contacts include:
- Pre Birth (Antenatal) Visit
- Birth Visit – usually within 10-14 days of your baby’s birth
- 6-8 week visit
- 9-12 month development review
- 2-2.5 year development review.
Other contacts include:
- Well baby clinic – book on by phoning your local Children’s Centre
- Breast Feeding, Formula Feeding, Weaning and Healthy Eating Support
- Parenting Support
- Mental Health Support
- Getting your child ready for learning
Additional support will be discussed and planned between you, your Health Visitor and the Right Start team.
We work closely with other partners including Midwives, GPs, Education Settings and Social Care.
Chat Health
You can also contact and get support from your local Health Visitors and School Nurses, via our confidential text service Chat Health (we will respond within 24 hours from Monday to Friday).
- Chat Health – NHS website
- Advice for Parents of Under 0-5’s 07480 635990
- Advice for Teens (11-19 years) 07480 635992
- Advice for Parents of School-aged Children (5-19) 07507 330499