If you need urgent mental health support now, call 999
Having a healthy mind and stable well-being is as important as your child’s physical health. You can help by talking to them about their mental health.
- Signs a child might be struggling – nhs.uk website
ChatHealth is an anonymous messaging service that provides a safe and easy way for parents of children aged 0 to 19 years to send a message to a health visitor or school nurse and get confidential help and advice.
Parents of children under five can text 07480 635990
Parents of school-aged children (age 5 to 19) can text 07507 330499
ChatHealth also offers a Young People’s Service for ages 11 to 19. If you are a young person wanting anonymous advice on a range of topics including mental health, relationships, alcohol, smoking, bullying you can text 07480 635992
You can also start a chat online at www.chathealth.nhs.uk.
CAMHS – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
CAMHS offers specialist services to children and young people up to the age of 18 who are experiencing difficulty with their mental health or emotional wellbeing. CAMHS also provides support to their families or carers.
Some of the problems they can help with include:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Psychosis
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Self-harm
- ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
If you require help for your child, you can also self-refer to CAMHS via the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub:
The Kooth team is there to provide free, safe and anonymous online support and counselling for children and young people from age 10 up to 25. The whole team are made up of friendly and experienced individuals who want to help you.
Want someone to understand or advice to help a friend? Kooth can help. Just some of the things you’ll find on Kooth:
- Magazine – Helpful articles, personal experiences and tips from young people and the Kooth team
- Discussion Boards – Start or join a conversation with the friendly Kooth community. Lots of topics to choose from!
- Chats with the team – Chat to Kooth’s helpful team about anything that’s on your mind. Message them or have a live chat.
- Daily journal – Write in your own daily journal to track your feelings or emotions and reflect on how you’re doing.
Kooth for Children & Young People (Captioned) from Kooth Digital Health on Vimeo.
Whether you are feeling sad, anxious or finding life hard, know that you are not alone.
- Join Kooth – kooth.com website