Pregnancy and the period after giving birth can being a range of emotional changes for mothers, fathers, co-parents and other family members. Many will find these changes a positive experience, but for others it can be a distressing and overwhelming time that might lead to a number of mental health difficulties.
Here at Oldham Talking Therapies we recognise that most parents will have expectations of what parenthood will be like and who they will want to be as parents. Sometimes the reality of becoming a parent, whether for the first time or not, can be a very different experience.
Oldham Talking Therapies class the perinatal period as being from conception until the child’s second birthday. They have a variety of different ways to support parents who might be struggling with mild to moderate anxiety or depression and feel they would benefit from therapy.
How do we help?
We know that the perinatal period is a crucial time to support people with their mental health and getting help during this time can also have an additional benefit to your baby’s emotional development. Therefore, all perinatal clients will be prioritised for both assessment and treatment.
What support do we offer?
We offer a range of therapy options, including:
- Silvercloud (online guided self-help support)
- Groups
- Cognitive behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Counselling
- Couples Therapy
- Psychosexual therapy
- Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)
- Video Interaction Guidance (VIG)
Get help
To self-refer – call 0161 716 2777 or visit:
- Oldham Talking Therapies – website
Speak to your midwife, health visitor, GP or other professional if you need support in referring.
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