Perinatal and child mental health
Perinatal mental health problems can occur during pregnancy or in the first year following the birth of your child. They affect one in five women and are sometimes referred to as “baby blues” or postnatal depression. If left untreated, these problems can have a serious impact on you, your baby and your family.
There is specialist support to help you at this time:
- Speak to your midwife or health visitor – They’re trained to signpost you to the right service to get the help you need, and support the developing relationship between you and your baby.
- Contact the Perinatal Community Health Team on 0161 271 0188 (option 2) or by emailing PerinatalCommunityMentalHealthTeam@gmmh.nhs.uk
- Get in touch or self-refer to Oldham Talking Therapies