Maternity care is split into three stages: antenatal care, care during birth, and postnatal care.
Antenatal care: Most people opt for antenatal care close to their home or work. Midwife appointments usually take place at the Royal Oldham Antenatal Clinic, at GP surgeries, or occasionally at home. They are most likely to take place at a Family Hub or Children’s Centre.
If you choose to see a doctor, appointments are typically at a hospital’s antenatal clinic. Ultrasound scans are performed at the hospital. Specialist clinics may be available for women with additional needs. You will receive a personalised care plan to record any questions or concerns.
Care during birth: The care you receive during labour will depend on where you choose to give birth. You may want to give birth in a hospital, or you might be thinking about a home birth or a midwifery-led unit. It’s important to carefully consider your options and choose the one that feels most comfortable for you. Regardless of where you choose to give birth, you should expect 1:1 care, a supportive environment, and your choices to be respected.
Postnatal care: The care you receive after your baby is born is postnatal care and is usually provided by your midwife and health visitor. They may visit you at home or invite you to a postnatal clinic at a GP surgery, Family Hub or children’s centre. If you or your baby need additional care, this is typically provided by the maternity unit where you gave birth.