Your go-to guide to breastfeeding 

Breastfeeding is a natural and essential way to nourish a baby. Occasionally women may encounter some challenges while breastfeeding.

Here is a go-to guide to help you navigate the breastfeeding process and make it a successful experience: 

Understand the benefits of breastfeeding

Breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients that a baby needs to grow and develop, along with antibodies that help boost their immune system. 

Choose the right breastfeeding position

There are various breastfeeding positions that you can try to see which one works best for you and your baby. Some common breastfeeding positions include the cradle hold, rugby football hold, laid back nursing and side-lying position. 

Learn the signs of readiness to feed

Pay attention to your baby’s infant feeding cues, such as sucking on their fists, rooting, or fussiness. Feeding your baby on demand is recommended. 

Latch-on correctly

Getting a proper latch is essential for efficient milk transfer and to prevent sore nipples. Your baby’s mouth should be open wide with their lips flanged out. 

Get comfortable

Make sure you are comfortable while breastfeeding by using pillows, getting yourself a drink, putting your feet up, and being in a relaxed position. 

Eat healthy and stay hydrated

Maintaining a healthy diet and drinking plenty of fluids is essential for a good milk supply. 

Make milk production a priority

Breastfeeding frequently and for an extended period of time helps in establishing a good milk supply. 

Avoid contamination

Wash your hands before breastfeeding to reduce the risk of infection. 

Involve your partner in the process and seek support

Involve your partner in the process and seek support from your health visting team or breastfeeding support group to help you through any challenging times.

Trust yourself

Trust your instincts and believe in yourself. You are capable of nourishing your baby the best way possible. 


Here are several sources of support available for breastfeeding in Oldham: 

Health Visitors/Clinic: 

Oldham’s health visiting service provides support and advice on breastfeeding. Alongside Home-Start the health visiting service also run breastfeeding drop-in clinics (Baby Bistro’s) in Family Hubs and Children’s Centres in Oldham. Contact your health visiting team  or local Children’s Centre for times and locations.

Breastfeeding friend 

Whether you’re experiencing discomfort or just want to know what vitamins to take to boost your supply, the Breastfeeding Friend is a digital tool from Start for Life that lots of useful information and advice on breastfeeding.

It’s 24 / 7. All the information provided is NHS-approved and based on questions asked by thousands of new mums. 

It’s available on  

HOST – Homestart Oldham, Stockport and Tameside 

HOST provides information and support to parents to help them make informed choices about feeding their baby. From latching on, to establishing and supporting breastfeeding journey.  

HOST offers: 

• Support at ante-natal clinics. 
• One-to-one support for as long as you need, through visits and ‘phone calls 
• Baby Bistros held at Family Hubs, Children’s Centres and other community locations 
• Partnership working with midwives and health professionals to provide a seamless pathway of care 

Baby Bistro and peer support 

As part of Home-Start HOST, you can access free support and join other breastfeeding mothers as part of peer support with trained volunteers. They provide support in person at Baby Bistro sessions.