Having a baby is wonderful. It’s also challenging. You could be overwhelmed with the amount of information available. We want you to know everything you need to be a parent in Oldham, and to help you provide the best possible care for your baby.
Health visiting
The Right Start Service is offered to all families with children living in Oldham, from pregnancy to five years old. The team includes Health Visitors who are qualified nurses with additional training, assistant practitioners, early years education support and Special Educational Needs and Disability Practitioners.
Learn more or get in touch with our Health visiting team
Chat Health
If you’ve got questions you want to ask a health visitor, the Chat Health service can be a quick and easy way to do just that. If you’re a parent of a child under five you can text the Right Start health visiting team on 07480 635990
Essential Parent
To make sure parents in Oldham have all the information they need, we’ve commissioned Essential Parenting – a service that offers information bundles to parents to help you understand your baby and navigate parenthood.
Find out more at Essential Parent
Solihull Parenting
We’ve commissioned parenting support courses for different ages from Solihull Parenting
Using the access code DAISY you can access all the information you need to know about your baby, including crying, feeding, sleeping and development – they’re all covered in the course Understanding your baby
Home-Start HOST
Home-Start for Oldham, Stockport and Tameside supports families with young children in lots of ways. Its expert staff and trained volunteers work alongside families in Oldham to help them cope with the challenges of parenting and life in general.
The charity works in partnership with Oldham’s Family Hubs and the Breastfeeding Network to offer support for mums in Oldham, and to help you make informed choices around feeding your baby.
From establishing breastfeeding with a new baby to any questions you may have at any point on your breastfeeding journey. We can also give information about formula feeding and mixed feeding.
Find out more about Home-Start HOST support on offer
Dad Matters
Supporting dads with their early relationships with their babies, Dad Matters works with Home-Start Host to make sure dads in Oldham have all the knowledge and support they need to be a great dad.
If you’re a new dad, or soon to be one, why not take part in one of the New Dad Workshops provided by Dad matters